Cape May Celebrates the Fabulous 4th!

SATURDAY, JULY 2ND:   Start your July 4th Weekend Festivities right with Cape May’s traditional Kiwanis Pancake Day event. The celebration begins at 7:00 on Saturday morning, & runs until 12:30. This year Pancake Day will be held at Congress Hall. The event benefits the Kiwanis Scholarship fund and Community Charities. Price $8 per adult. Children Under 4-$2.

Then, get out your red white & blue because at 1pm Saturday afternoon the town holds an Independence Day Parade at the Convention Hall area.  It’s got everything from string bands to dogs in costume. Bring your own flag!   

SUNDAY, JULY 3RD:  3rd of July Fireworks will be in the Delaware Bay near North Cape May.  Catch the best views from the Cape May Lewes Ferry Terminal or Higbees beach. Or catch a ride on a fireworks cruise with the Spirit of Cape May or the  Cape May Whale Watcher and get front row seats on the water.

MONDAY, JULY 4TH:  This year The Grand Hotel is putting on The Red, White & Blue Picnic from 4-7pm. This new event boasts an outdoor beer garden with full bar & live entertainment.  You’ll be able to feast on traditional BBQ food like hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, mac & cheese, pizza, three bean salad and ice cream. Maybe you’ll win a prize in the three legged races! There will also be a wheel barrel race, an egg toss and a pie eating contest.   Great fun!  & stay after the picnic to watch the fireworks from the Grand’s sundeck.  Adults $12.95  |  Kids 10 & under  $7.95  |  Oceanfront at 1045 Beach Avenue | Call 609 884 5611 for more info.

Congress Hall in Cape May throws a huge 4th of July party every year.  It’s called the All American Picnic.  Bring the family & chow down on hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage and peppers, chicken, baked beans, corn on the cob, and potato salad.  Bring your own blanket for seating on Congress Hall Lawn.  Adults $20  |  Kids 12 – 3 $10  | Under 3 are free  |  Call 609 884 8421 for tickets.    The picnic features live Dixieland music with Franny Smith and the Atlantic City Jazz Band.  There will be face painting, carnival games and balloon sculptures for the kids. And you can sing patriotic songs with the Congress Hall Festival Choir. Fireworks will be at at dusk (around 9pm) and are sponsored by: The City of Cape May, The Chamber of Commerce of Greater Cape May & Sea Tow. Tickets for all events are ‘will call’ and will be available by July 1 at the Front Desk of Congress Hall.

This information was brought to you buy the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE OF GREATER CAPE MAY.

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